I know that many photographers read this newsletter. I love hearing about people’s projects and want to highlight them here occasionally. When you have a moment, drop me a line and tell me what you’re working on so I can take a look. Thanks in advance. Cheers!
I am currently gathering my thoughts and photographs soon to be published in Frames Magazine. I couldn't be happier to finally have my works published in a photography magazine. I believe they will be in the April issue, which is a great birthday present because it's also my birth month.
I've been working on a portrait project of creatives in my small neighborhood in East London. Actors, artists, potters, writers, etc... There are so many amazing people that live in this small 1-square mile area, it's amazing. I've posted some of them on my Instagram @reichbaum My goal is to self publish a book and have an opening night somewhere local with all the subjects in attendance.
I'm returning to a project I've worked on for a few years - photographing people who live right next to commuter rail lines. The insistent trains that roll past their backyards don't trouble these folks at all. Photos can be found on my website (davidoxton.com) in the Trackside: Backyards project section (https://www.davidoxton.com/work#/alongside/).
I am working on a long term project documenting the aftermath of a large scale forest fire in my home state. I am using Kodak Aerochrome to document the regrowth. I am also using various instant films, black and white and color films. I hope to start talking to the locals this summer, hear about the experience from their perspective and make some portraits. It’s a project in its infancy so I don’t know where it will end up but I hope to make something I feel excited about.
Fantastic idea.I snowmobiled through some fire ravaged Canadian woods. Mistakingly sent out an image as ' clear cut' forestry ( literally grab the tree by a mechanical fist and rip it out of the ground ) only to he corrected- fire from years ago. Northern Ontario. In winter, both look the same, soon after.
I digress. Great fair weather project. Great project- period.
Hi Andy! Just finished a project about the mexican tradition of escaramuza and the women who practice it in the US. Through my photographic portraits and a collaboration with two latina poets, Ire'ne Lara Silva and Angelina Sáenz, the project explores how the tradition fosters a sense of identity for these often 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Americans, the roles of family, immigration, and gender dynamics within escaramuza and Charrería culture in the US and draws historical parallels to the soldaderas who fought in the Mexican Revolution and are the inspiration for the creation of the escaramuza tradition.
Working on two global health stories. One about a Venezuelan family- a wheelchair bound disabled and blind woman, her husband and 9 year old son. They faced political violence, hunger and lack of critical medicines fleeing to a border town in Colombia where they live day to day selling water and snacks on the street to survive. They are now awaiting a move to the USA with the Safe Mobility Initiative. The other story is about two wars: Two young girls (5 and 11) living in Lviv fighting a war against childhood cancer with their moms while their fathers continue to fight the war against the Russians.
My "freshest" endeavour is a project on trees, from the city to alpine forests, i.e. my emotions towards them and the environmental impact of climate changes.
I just recently released a zine titled “Westsider”; which presents 5 years of street photography on the west side of Portland, OR. The area has been a trigger point for discussions about the health of the city following COVID and the BLM protests. I chose to photograph people and show humanity to my neighbors as I’ve lived in this area the last 6 years. The zine can be found on my website and I’d love to share a copy with you if you’d be interested. Thank you, Adam Kocka
In intentional camera movement (ICM), a camera is moved during the exposure for a creative or artistic effect. This causes the image points to move across the recording medium, producing varied effects such as streaking, textures, and layers in the resulting image. Wiki
I am currently in the process of promoting my new book TOKYO TOKYO a reserch of daily life in the largest city in the world. Where I try to find balance of what is expected from me (the cliche of Japan) and actually real life. I have experienced that the cliche feeds into this need for separation. The visualization of the "weirdness" of another culture I have not experienced as something positive. How to avoid exoticism or stereotyping. Then on the other hand the cliche is highly respected in Japan as well. But my conclusion was I needed to embrace that what binds us all is daily living. I can recognize my life in NYC when I look at the people of TOKYO. So much is the same. It is this connection that is celebrated in my book.
I'm in the process of updating my eBook "Ghosts on the Landscape". A story of a banded buildings, old vehicles, memorials to those who have lost their lives during war around the world. I produce the eBook in Power Point, then save it as a PDF and download to my iPad / Phone.
Hey Andy! Last year I received an artist grant to publish a small edition of photo books. The Star of Riches is Shining Upon You is a project I've been working on for around 4 years, and it's slated to be finished this June. Happy to share it: https://forrestwasko.com/star-of-riches
Well, my only project is my Substack. I'm getting up in years and don't get out as much as I should, but I have a few thousand images I took while roaming the American West for five years in a motorhome. And nobody's seen my images.
Partly because I never post-processed most of them. After a day's shooting, I would just "skim" whatever caught my eye after uploading to the computer, and ignore the rest.
Now that I'm writing a Substack, which is more or less a travelogue, I'm seeing a lot of RAW files in my archives that are pretty good. So I'm going through all that Old Stuff and post-processing all of it.
Right now I'm working on stuff that I shot ten years ago. Don't know if I'll get done before I pass on, but I don't care. People are looking at my stuff now, and that is what I've wanted all my life.
I mostly photograph in the forests around my small rural community. I love the forest floor. I am currently doing one print a day as an exercise for a few months. @michaelflatt.
I've been working on a small project of documenting my home and neighborhood while simultaneously focusing on bettering my understanding of lighting and how it interacts with the world around me. I got my start in bird photography and then moved on to street photography, but I feel like as a new photographer (less than a year) I haven't paid enough attention to how lighting affects my photography so I really wanted to dive into learning how to emphasize different lighting conditions the best I can. You can see my studies in my latest Instagram posts - @blakedb.photography
Hi Andy, I'm Barry, a pro photog based In Johannesburg SA. Been taking pictures for around 40 years and a survivor of both the analogue and digital ages. Am a babe in arms when it comes to the social media stuff. I currently specialize in Architectural and humanitarian photography. I would like to learn, share and correspond with my fellow photographers. Have a pretty comprehensive website, www.barrygoldmanphotographer.com showcasing a myriad of various projects, both paid and pro bono. would appreciate your comments and from anyone else many thanks
I am deep into a long term project on labor history in the US. I'm going to sites (60 so far) where important events in labor history have occurred. I aim to show how we commemorate (or don't) history and how the present day landscape affects that memory. I am also beginning the process of bringing it to book form. I've not posted anything yet, but have put a PowerPoint together. I don't do serious work on IG.
Currently embarking on a year long project of mine called "Caught In The Reflection" where I look at how reflections can change our perceptions and give a different story to a scene. Looking at how everything isn't as it seems upon first glance. Hopefully going to make it into a photobook for myself at the end of the year.
I want to create a small cohort (3-5 people) to work through some exercises on exploring our photographic style using something like this Scott French video. We'd each do exerecises then gather on zoom to discuss and encourage each other. I posted on notes but don't think many people saw so I am working on a newsletter issue about exploring your style where I will mention again.
Hi Andy, The last year has been very busy. I'm presently showing my work in Montreal, large prints from my latest Book: "Une Poignée d'étoiles" (A Handfull of Stars) (Loco editions, Paris), at the Simon Blais gallery. These are intimate pictures from a visual journal I've been keeping for years. Further more, I'm putting the finishing touches on the next book : "Tout ceci est impossible" (All this is impossible) a long term project, 25 years in the making, on relations between cinema and photography. It will be published this year by The Cinématèque in Montréal. Just finished a project on highway landscapes that were shown on highway billboards, here in Québec. All the best to you and all the collegues out there. www.bertrandcarriere.com
I am working on a complex project. I started it about 4 months ago. I just finished planning and writing about it. I'm gonna go to many remote areas beacuse this projest is about skies without lightpollution. I also changed my equipment for this project.
After a 3+ year journey on a local photo project, I'm waiting for test copies of my first book, "East Levee Road," to arrive. I attended an incredible bookmaking workshop last October taught by Bryan Schutmaat and Matthew Genitempo of @trespasserbooks (hosted by Fotofilimic). With both Brian and Matthew's guidance, I was able to deconstruct the project and really hone in on the core images worthy of making the book and a starting sequence I could build out from once I returned home.
I'm working on my bodyscape photography, I was a working photographer for about 10 years before had a career change, now it being just a hobby again this is what I've been enjoying the most. If you're interested you can check them out here, https://www.instagram.com/shadowplay.gallery There's been quite the evolution with this work, from more black and white with a long lens to shooting really close and wide and more abstract shapes to less black and white and more greys.
I'm working on a documentary/portrait project about by uncle who has down trisomy 21. I am photographing him in the present, mixed with photographs from the family archive of him and also his own drawings.
I’m working in the food space specifically Sri Lankan food & the diaspora. I’m writing about the food & photographing both food and the people who make the food, and their environment. It’s a journey, and I’m enjoying the process.
Not a photographer, but an artist often inspired by it! Working on actually trying to photograph my own reference images more often (and more successfully) so I can incorporate it more into my work flow!
Hey Andy. Thanks for your newsletter, it's very inspiring! Over the past few years, I have been working on a contemplative photographic project titled "Asphalt". It is a visual reflection of the human obsession with growth, development, and expansion. The project consists on a series of urban landscapes, the "human ecosystem". The goal is to prompt reflection on the way many of us live in these large metropolis, made quickly and characterized by repetitive patterns and rhythms of structures made of glass, cement, concrete, metal, bricks, and/or plastic. I've been also printing photographs in fabrics and designing garments with urban images, as I'm interested in the connection that exists between cities, clothing and fashion.I don't particularly enjoy social media, and my website is due for an update, but if interested, you can find some examples of these photographs here: https://oravla.com/asphalt Thanks for asking! Alvaro.
Almost finished with a project on women in their (our) fifties to highlight and celebrate this time of life when women start to become more invisible and less valued in society. Next will be photographing women who’ve decided to go gray naturally and not dye their hair.
Im working on a project I call "Stories I Tell Myself" in which I am combining photos of very large collages I made using my old journals I didn't have the heart to throw out and thought this was a better use of them. In Photoshop I layer them with photos of the trees on the property where I live. It is a nature preserve in SW Florida that was ravaged by the hurricane. Those photos were taken after the hurricane with an eye towards finding beauty within the disaster area. This work is not yet on my website but I have been posting them on Facebook. Other works including the journal collages are there though under the heading A LIFE. with a statement attached. I would be happy to send you some jpgs or a pdf of the Stories, if you like. Lynda. www.lyndafaybraun.com
Working on a new exhibition of prints. I look after the walls of a small, very busy, and delicious restaurant. They have Great Wall space. I am trying to make it more accessible for people to show work. I am having 6 32x48” frames made and I plan to rotate work through the frames 2 or 3 times a year.
Printing big is the best!
Even if no one else is interested I can always come up with ideas myself!
I'm working on a zine for my project, 'Benches of Seaside Heights, NJ.' 'Benches' is an ongoing series I started back in 2017. On bright summer days, I take at least one candid photo of every single bench on the boardwalk at Seaside Heights, NJ. I intend to continue this series indefinitely, both as an exploration of human behavior, and a chronicle of Seaside’s visitors over time. I've posted a lot of them on my IG account @i.ellen.m and they can also be seen via the hashtag #benchesofseasideheightsnj: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/benchesofseasideheightsnj/
Thanks for asking such a good question. It's also encouraging and inspiring to read what other photographers are doing, what makes them "go", and what obstacles them.
After my first kid was born I have been thinking about making photographs from where I can respond to the most horrifying things and the most beautiful things. I have also been thinking a lot about how to make photography (more specifically, printing photography) more accessible and approachable for photographers, no matter their skill level or years of experience via the print shop that I run.
Rather than what my usual process was — hours long studio sessions with actors, models, professional and amateur to create a very straightforward photograph of a person — I have been trying to find the right combination of photographs of myself, photographs made by AI, intimate family photographs, and one lonely landscape. http://esteban-pulido.com/el-bosque-oscuro/. I live by photography's lowest order feature: depiction. It lets me create the illusion of intimacy or fiction of narrative. I love that others can feel intimacy in a totally flat grouping of pixels or dots.
I’m trying to build up my Instagram Store, so I can begin selling more of my photography. I’ve already launched 4 collections and I’m curating the 5th one as we speak, I’m hoping to release it in April and get some more traction on it.
I am winding down a project that looks at cloud forms. Some of the images are getting repetitive and while I will continue to look for interesting light, form and arrangements, I think I'm mostly done. I need to do more work on my New York Water series as there are another four or five (maybe more) images that need to be added. I don't want to get stuck inside now that the weather is warming up, but I am also pursuing an interest in photoshop abstractions. This works starts with an ordinary image that then undergoes transformation in Photoshop until I arrive at an image I like. The goal here is to create an image in which there is very little of the original in the final product.
Hi Andy, thanks for creating a forum such as this. I just finished putting together a website of work from over the past quite a few years. Mostly landscape, with some abstract, also intentional camera movement. I live in Northern Ontario very close to Lake Superior. Tim https://spiritstandsstill.com/
THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DOOR. Micro Memoir. Chinatown, NYC. I walked by this grungy door daily in full daylight. Then late one afternoon during a waning Golden Hour moment, I caught this spectacular palette. Intrigued I spoke to the manager of this parking garage. It seems a bedraggled street artist appeared one day with a bucket full of metallic paints. He asked if he might paint the door. The manager expected a mural but he got an artistic miracle instead.
In the proper light, this is a breathtaking urban panel. He left without ever divulging his name or signing his work.
This is a primary example of what I tell folks when they ask what I try to do with my photography: UNLOCK THE UNSEEN !!
I'm looking backwards these days. I'm taking a project I did 25 years ago, on the music and dance of Ireland, back to Ireland. The National Dance Archive at the University of Limerick is adding a set of the exhibit prints to their collection. It's making me think about a project that never quite fulfilled its potential (9/11 intervened and took the wind out of the sails of any interest in publication), and how I will respond being back in Ireland after the long hiatus and reconnecting with the people and places I shot then. And, I'm taking a film camera, to round out the nostalgia angle.
Got several projects been working on which some like and others... not so much. One can be seen below along with a glimpse of another. The first involves a series of portraits taken at varying protests, the other, portraits of a decidedly different nature.
I am working on the topic of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). In 2021 I have founded terrafoto. We are an international group of three photographers, filmmakers and writers who have come together to raise awareness of the importance of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and other ways of local involvement with growing food in these times of climate extremes.
We accompany a variety of community oriented farms for four seasons and tell their stories – about good and healthy food, shared responsibility, people, and places. By doing so, we visually document the power of a movement which can change our world for the better. We have already five stories published on our project website: www.terrafoto.org.
Hi Andy. I’m preparing for a solo exhibition at the Sigel gallery here in Falmouth MA. It is called ‘Emergence To Interval’ and examines photos from 5 projects I’ve worked on for the past two decades and recent insights about how they are all connectedy. See jmoore-photo.com
I am currently gathering my thoughts and photographs soon to be published in Frames Magazine. I couldn't be happier to finally have my works published in a photography magazine. I believe they will be in the April issue, which is a great birthday present because it's also my birth month.
That's great! Congratulations, Colin. And Happy Birthday!
I've been working on a portrait project of creatives in my small neighborhood in East London. Actors, artists, potters, writers, etc... There are so many amazing people that live in this small 1-square mile area, it's amazing. I've posted some of them on my Instagram @reichbaum My goal is to self publish a book and have an opening night somewhere local with all the subjects in attendance.
Excellent! I love portraiture. I'll check out your IG feed. Thanks, Eric.
I hope you guys have parties. That's where the most creative and outrageous ideas germinate.
I'm returning to a project I've worked on for a few years - photographing people who live right next to commuter rail lines. The insistent trains that roll past their backyards don't trouble these folks at all. Photos can be found on my website (davidoxton.com) in the Trackside: Backyards project section (https://www.davidoxton.com/work#/alongside/).
These are great. They remind me a bit of O. Winston Link.
Thanks, his work is what got me started on this project
These pics are really great - made me smile. I want to see more!
I am working on a long term project documenting the aftermath of a large scale forest fire in my home state. I am using Kodak Aerochrome to document the regrowth. I am also using various instant films, black and white and color films. I hope to start talking to the locals this summer, hear about the experience from their perspective and make some portraits. It’s a project in its infancy so I don’t know where it will end up but I hope to make something I feel excited about.
Fantastic idea.I snowmobiled through some fire ravaged Canadian woods. Mistakingly sent out an image as ' clear cut' forestry ( literally grab the tree by a mechanical fist and rip it out of the ground ) only to he corrected- fire from years ago. Northern Ontario. In winter, both look the same, soon after.
I digress. Great fair weather project. Great project- period.
Hi Andy! Just finished a project about the mexican tradition of escaramuza and the women who practice it in the US. Through my photographic portraits and a collaboration with two latina poets, Ire'ne Lara Silva and Angelina Sáenz, the project explores how the tradition fosters a sense of identity for these often 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Americans, the roles of family, immigration, and gender dynamics within escaramuza and Charrería culture in the US and draws historical parallels to the soldaderas who fought in the Mexican Revolution and are the inspiration for the creation of the escaramuza tradition.
Working on two global health stories. One about a Venezuelan family- a wheelchair bound disabled and blind woman, her husband and 9 year old son. They faced political violence, hunger and lack of critical medicines fleeing to a border town in Colombia where they live day to day selling water and snacks on the street to survive. They are now awaiting a move to the USA with the Safe Mobility Initiative. The other story is about two wars: Two young girls (5 and 11) living in Lviv fighting a war against childhood cancer with their moms while their fathers continue to fight the war against the Russians.
My "freshest" endeavour is a project on trees, from the city to alpine forests, i.e. my emotions towards them and the environmental impact of climate changes.
Wonderful. Sounds like we're kindred spirits — I'm a treehugger. Have you seen Sophie Howarth's book about trees? https://www.hoxtonminipress.com/products/looking-at-trees
Oh, man! That book looks so great!! Bad Andy, you fuelled my Book Acquisition Syndrome!!
I have a project on Myanmar called "the kids Were alright - Myanmar 2013 and tens years after" that diptychs the amazing transformation in the youth as Myanmar opened up with the sad transformation that happen to the youth after the military coup https://www.bradcarlile.com/portfolio/kids-were-alright/kids-were-alright-portfolio.html. I also have a project on the coverage of post coup Myanmar https://www.bradcarlile.com/portfolio/televised-ignored/televised-ignored-portfolio.html
Just found out I was short-listed for Athens Photo Festival 2024 (APhF:24).
Should know April 22nd
I just recently released a zine titled “Westsider”; which presents 5 years of street photography on the west side of Portland, OR. The area has been a trigger point for discussions about the health of the city following COVID and the BLM protests. I chose to photograph people and show humanity to my neighbors as I’ve lived in this area the last 6 years. The zine can be found on my website and I’d love to share a copy with you if you’d be interested. Thank you, Adam Kocka
I'm working on street photography images of Poughkeepsie NY in the early 70's for my 50th college reunion.
Cool. Great idea for our reunion, coming up. Albeit late 70's, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Hi Lauri, can we get a glimpse? :-)
Not ready for human consumption yet...
I've been using ICM and having fun with it. I liked one of mine so well I had it out on canvas and it's hanging in our livingroom.
Usually some fun surprises with ICM :) You never know what you're going to get.
Yes! I didn't know if I would like it but it's been a blast.
Hey, Lesha! What is ICM?
In intentional camera movement (ICM), a camera is moved during the exposure for a creative or artistic effect. This causes the image points to move across the recording medium, producing varied effects such as streaking, textures, and layers in the resulting image. Wiki
I had to look it up :)
I’m also working on ICM. https://shaynehouse.com/Blue-Mind
I am currently in the process of promoting my new book TOKYO TOKYO a reserch of daily life in the largest city in the world. Where I try to find balance of what is expected from me (the cliche of Japan) and actually real life. I have experienced that the cliche feeds into this need for separation. The visualization of the "weirdness" of another culture I have not experienced as something positive. How to avoid exoticism or stereotyping. Then on the other hand the cliche is highly respected in Japan as well. But my conclusion was I needed to embrace that what binds us all is daily living. I can recognize my life in NYC when I look at the people of TOKYO. So much is the same. It is this connection that is celebrated in my book.
My presskit
I'm in the process of updating my eBook "Ghosts on the Landscape". A story of a banded buildings, old vehicles, memorials to those who have lost their lives during war around the world. I produce the eBook in Power Point, then save it as a PDF and download to my iPad / Phone.
Very cool. Thanks, Roger!
Hey Andy! Last year I received an artist grant to publish a small edition of photo books. The Star of Riches is Shining Upon You is a project I've been working on for around 4 years, and it's slated to be finished this June. Happy to share it: https://forrestwasko.com/star-of-riches
Congratulations! It looks great.
Well, my only project is my Substack. I'm getting up in years and don't get out as much as I should, but I have a few thousand images I took while roaming the American West for five years in a motorhome. And nobody's seen my images.
Partly because I never post-processed most of them. After a day's shooting, I would just "skim" whatever caught my eye after uploading to the computer, and ignore the rest.
Now that I'm writing a Substack, which is more or less a travelogue, I'm seeing a lot of RAW files in my archives that are pretty good. So I'm going through all that Old Stuff and post-processing all of it.
Right now I'm working on stuff that I shot ten years ago. Don't know if I'll get done before I pass on, but I don't care. People are looking at my stuff now, and that is what I've wanted all my life.
I mostly photograph in the forests around my small rural community. I love the forest floor. I am currently doing one print a day as an exercise for a few months. @michaelflatt.
I've been working on a small project of documenting my home and neighborhood while simultaneously focusing on bettering my understanding of lighting and how it interacts with the world around me. I got my start in bird photography and then moved on to street photography, but I feel like as a new photographer (less than a year) I haven't paid enough attention to how lighting affects my photography so I really wanted to dive into learning how to emphasize different lighting conditions the best I can. You can see my studies in my latest Instagram posts - @blakedb.photography
Hi Andy, I'm Barry, a pro photog based In Johannesburg SA. Been taking pictures for around 40 years and a survivor of both the analogue and digital ages. Am a babe in arms when it comes to the social media stuff. I currently specialize in Architectural and humanitarian photography. I would like to learn, share and correspond with my fellow photographers. Have a pretty comprehensive website, www.barrygoldmanphotographer.com showcasing a myriad of various projects, both paid and pro bono. would appreciate your comments and from anyone else many thanks
I am deep into a long term project on labor history in the US. I'm going to sites (60 so far) where important events in labor history have occurred. I aim to show how we commemorate (or don't) history and how the present day landscape affects that memory. I am also beginning the process of bringing it to book form. I've not posted anything yet, but have put a PowerPoint together. I don't do serious work on IG.
Currently embarking on a year long project of mine called "Caught In The Reflection" where I look at how reflections can change our perceptions and give a different story to a scene. Looking at how everything isn't as it seems upon first glance. Hopefully going to make it into a photobook for myself at the end of the year.
I want to create a small cohort (3-5 people) to work through some exercises on exploring our photographic style using something like this Scott French video. We'd each do exerecises then gather on zoom to discuss and encourage each other. I posted on notes but don't think many people saw so I am working on a newsletter issue about exploring your style where I will mention again.
Anyone interested?
Yes! How do I contact you?
Here are some notes I made to direct the decision of what I’m putting in a upcoming show.
NOTES for art show entry
* Exist in three dimensional space.
* Not just a photo hung on a wall, but a subtle installation.
* Should be simultaneously be very clear and darkly ambiguous.
* Address the collective existential crisis of the times.
* Build drama with elements of doom and death.
The show is in 2 weeks so I need figure this out soon!
Hi Andy, The last year has been very busy. I'm presently showing my work in Montreal, large prints from my latest Book: "Une Poignée d'étoiles" (A Handfull of Stars) (Loco editions, Paris), at the Simon Blais gallery. These are intimate pictures from a visual journal I've been keeping for years. Further more, I'm putting the finishing touches on the next book : "Tout ceci est impossible" (All this is impossible) a long term project, 25 years in the making, on relations between cinema and photography. It will be published this year by The Cinématèque in Montréal. Just finished a project on highway landscapes that were shown on highway billboards, here in Québec. All the best to you and all the collegues out there. www.bertrandcarriere.com
Good to hear from you, Bertrand! It's been a while. So nice to hear you're doing well. Congratulations on these projects!
I am working on a complex project. I started it about 4 months ago. I just finished planning and writing about it. I'm gonna go to many remote areas beacuse this projest is about skies without lightpollution. I also changed my equipment for this project.
After a 3+ year journey on a local photo project, I'm waiting for test copies of my first book, "East Levee Road," to arrive. I attended an incredible bookmaking workshop last October taught by Bryan Schutmaat and Matthew Genitempo of @trespasserbooks (hosted by Fotofilimic). With both Brian and Matthew's guidance, I was able to deconstruct the project and really hone in on the core images worthy of making the book and a starting sequence I could build out from once I returned home.
Hi Andy! I’ve been working on a project about place and finding your bearings when you feel none :)
I'm working on my bodyscape photography, I was a working photographer for about 10 years before had a career change, now it being just a hobby again this is what I've been enjoying the most. If you're interested you can check them out here, https://www.instagram.com/shadowplay.gallery There's been quite the evolution with this work, from more black and white with a long lens to shooting really close and wide and more abstract shapes to less black and white and more greys.
I'm working on a documentary/portrait project about by uncle who has down trisomy 21. I am photographing him in the present, mixed with photographs from the family archive of him and also his own drawings.
Publishing a photobook with a different take on street photography.
Great to hear from you, John! Long time no see. How are things?
I'm shooting 10 rolls of Tri-X 400 in a Kodak Ektar 35H half-frame camera while I wait for a Fujifilm X100VI to ship.
I’m working in the food space specifically Sri Lankan food & the diaspora. I’m writing about the food & photographing both food and the people who make the food, and their environment. It’s a journey, and I’m enjoying the process.
Not a photographer, but an artist often inspired by it! Working on actually trying to photograph my own reference images more often (and more successfully) so I can incorporate it more into my work flow!
Hey Andy. Thanks for your newsletter, it's very inspiring! Over the past few years, I have been working on a contemplative photographic project titled "Asphalt". It is a visual reflection of the human obsession with growth, development, and expansion. The project consists on a series of urban landscapes, the "human ecosystem". The goal is to prompt reflection on the way many of us live in these large metropolis, made quickly and characterized by repetitive patterns and rhythms of structures made of glass, cement, concrete, metal, bricks, and/or plastic. I've been also printing photographs in fabrics and designing garments with urban images, as I'm interested in the connection that exists between cities, clothing and fashion.I don't particularly enjoy social media, and my website is due for an update, but if interested, you can find some examples of these photographs here: https://oravla.com/asphalt Thanks for asking! Alvaro.
Hi Andy,
Almost finished with a project on women in their (our) fifties to highlight and celebrate this time of life when women start to become more invisible and less valued in society. Next will be photographing women who’ve decided to go gray naturally and not dye their hair.
Im working on a project I call "Stories I Tell Myself" in which I am combining photos of very large collages I made using my old journals I didn't have the heart to throw out and thought this was a better use of them. In Photoshop I layer them with photos of the trees on the property where I live. It is a nature preserve in SW Florida that was ravaged by the hurricane. Those photos were taken after the hurricane with an eye towards finding beauty within the disaster area. This work is not yet on my website but I have been posting them on Facebook. Other works including the journal collages are there though under the heading A LIFE. with a statement attached. I would be happy to send you some jpgs or a pdf of the Stories, if you like. Lynda. www.lyndafaybraun.com
Working on a new exhibition of prints. I look after the walls of a small, very busy, and delicious restaurant. They have Great Wall space. I am trying to make it more accessible for people to show work. I am having 6 32x48” frames made and I plan to rotate work through the frames 2 or 3 times a year.
Printing big is the best!
Even if no one else is interested I can always come up with ideas myself!
I'm working on assembling and printing more books of urban typological collections like these:
The next few might be Office Buildings, Sidewalk Sheds, and others...
Love, love, love the cars and fire boxes- nice stuff!
I'm working on a zine for my project, 'Benches of Seaside Heights, NJ.' 'Benches' is an ongoing series I started back in 2017. On bright summer days, I take at least one candid photo of every single bench on the boardwalk at Seaside Heights, NJ. I intend to continue this series indefinitely, both as an exploration of human behavior, and a chronicle of Seaside’s visitors over time. I've posted a lot of them on my IG account @i.ellen.m and they can also be seen via the hashtag #benchesofseasideheightsnj: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/benchesofseasideheightsnj/
Saw some of these a coupla years back- They are... FANTASTIC!!!
Awww thanks Stan!! That's so nice of you. :)
Thanks for asking such a good question. It's also encouraging and inspiring to read what other photographers are doing, what makes them "go", and what obstacles them.
After my first kid was born I have been thinking about making photographs from where I can respond to the most horrifying things and the most beautiful things. I have also been thinking a lot about how to make photography (more specifically, printing photography) more accessible and approachable for photographers, no matter their skill level or years of experience via the print shop that I run.
Rather than what my usual process was — hours long studio sessions with actors, models, professional and amateur to create a very straightforward photograph of a person — I have been trying to find the right combination of photographs of myself, photographs made by AI, intimate family photographs, and one lonely landscape. http://esteban-pulido.com/el-bosque-oscuro/. I live by photography's lowest order feature: depiction. It lets me create the illusion of intimacy or fiction of narrative. I love that others can feel intimacy in a totally flat grouping of pixels or dots.
I’m trying to build up my Instagram Store, so I can begin selling more of my photography. I’ve already launched 4 collections and I’m curating the 5th one as we speak, I’m hoping to release it in April and get some more traction on it.
I am winding down a project that looks at cloud forms. Some of the images are getting repetitive and while I will continue to look for interesting light, form and arrangements, I think I'm mostly done. I need to do more work on my New York Water series as there are another four or five (maybe more) images that need to be added. I don't want to get stuck inside now that the weather is warming up, but I am also pursuing an interest in photoshop abstractions. This works starts with an ordinary image that then undergoes transformation in Photoshop until I arrive at an image I like. The goal here is to create an image in which there is very little of the original in the final product.
Hi Andy, thanks for creating a forum such as this. I just finished putting together a website of work from over the past quite a few years. Mostly landscape, with some abstract, also intentional camera movement. I live in Northern Ontario very close to Lake Superior. Tim https://spiritstandsstill.com/
Cheers, Tim. Congrats on the site!
Greetings from the Santa Cruz Mountains. I'm working on a conservation story about an endangered beetle but it will be a few months before it is ready to be shared. Here's a photo essay I worked on last month: https://sempervirens.org/news/fungi-of-the-forest/ And for fun, I am sharing images from my hikes @ https://www.instagram.com/orenda_orenda/
Still publishing some NYC finds!!
Started the edit on the next book, which will be coupled with an exhibition. Lots of moving parts. And drum scans.
THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DOOR. Micro Memoir. Chinatown, NYC. I walked by this grungy door daily in full daylight. Then late one afternoon during a waning Golden Hour moment, I caught this spectacular palette. Intrigued I spoke to the manager of this parking garage. It seems a bedraggled street artist appeared one day with a bucket full of metallic paints. He asked if he might paint the door. The manager expected a mural but he got an artistic miracle instead.
In the proper light, this is a breathtaking urban panel. He left without ever divulging his name or signing his work.
This is a primary example of what I tell folks when they ask what I try to do with my photography: UNLOCK THE UNSEEN !!
I'm looking backwards these days. I'm taking a project I did 25 years ago, on the music and dance of Ireland, back to Ireland. The National Dance Archive at the University of Limerick is adding a set of the exhibit prints to their collection. It's making me think about a project that never quite fulfilled its potential (9/11 intervened and took the wind out of the sails of any interest in publication), and how I will respond being back in Ireland after the long hiatus and reconnecting with the people and places I shot then. And, I'm taking a film camera, to round out the nostalgia angle.
Got several projects been working on which some like and others... not so much. One can be seen below along with a glimpse of another. The first involves a series of portraits taken at varying protests, the other, portraits of a decidedly different nature.
I am working on the topic of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). In 2021 I have founded terrafoto. We are an international group of three photographers, filmmakers and writers who have come together to raise awareness of the importance of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and other ways of local involvement with growing food in these times of climate extremes.
We accompany a variety of community oriented farms for four seasons and tell their stories – about good and healthy food, shared responsibility, people, and places. By doing so, we visually document the power of a movement which can change our world for the better. We have already five stories published on our project website: www.terrafoto.org.
Hi Andy. I’m preparing for a solo exhibition at the Sigel gallery here in Falmouth MA. It is called ‘Emergence To Interval’ and examines photos from 5 projects I’ve worked on for the past two decades and recent insights about how they are all connectedy. See jmoore-photo.com
Awesome. Congrats, Jon!