Happy Substack birthday next week Andy - I think we are the same age!

These two Alec Soth quotations from his book ‘A Pound of Pictures’ resonate with me:

1. “When burdened by the feeling that there are too many photographs in the world, I ask myself if there are too many flowers.”

2. “Photography doesn’t just force me to leave the house, it forces me to leave my head (briefly).”

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Thank you, Andrew! These are both great. I watched that Soth video years ago and it dovetailed with my own journey into mindfulness. Funny how that works. It made sense to include it here and then you add to it with these wonderful insights. I appreciate you, Andrew. Take care!

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Love this one Andy. On a lot of levels. Meditation is a huge part of my life and practice and figuring out how to be happy is a big thing! ha funny how we have to take some time to get there sometimes. After school planning a move to a place I love so much and want to commit to 100% and totally relate to small farmhouse for cheap and seeing what happens there. (Lake Superior in WI is where you will find me, doing my wet plate and who knows what, watergrams etc. and teaching and baking bread, maybe a cattle dog or a border collie again).

Photography for me IS a way of living and making sense, its a spiritual practice, it's medicine.

SO 1000% down for all of this.



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Thanks, Hillary. I'm nearly finished with Mark Epstein's latest book, The Zen of Therapy. Highly recommended. You might like it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57800575-the-zen-of-therapy

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Love that Alec Soth video. Congrats on a year of the digest!

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Thank you, Rob! Loving your newsletter, by the way. I'd love to find a way to collaborate. Take care!

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Thanks Andy, would love to do something together!

Wondering about url change. Is it set up as a custom domain or are you just having it redirect to your newsletter? I’ve got a url that redirects but I don’t know if they screws up anything so I just end up giving out the clunky substack url

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That Soth video gets me everytime, thanks for sharing it with the community!

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Right Lots of insights there. Cheers, Matthew!

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Love the simplicity of Thck Naht Hahn ❤️ sitting in peace in the us sacred land, walking in freedom everywhere on earth ❤️

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A portrait subject recommended Thich Nhat Hanh’s “How to Sit” and I quite enjoyed it. I’ll have to try “How to See” too. Congratulations on your anniversary!

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I'll check that out! Thanks, Bill.

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Thank you, Priya!

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I really enjoyed reading this. I photograph a LOT. Its part documentary and part dialogue with the natural world and with my community. Its said that photography can detract from us being in the Present Moment but I think it can also bring us into it too because it makes us aware and mindful of the beauty all around us🙏🏻🌳

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Happy birthday on your substack anniversary! “Photography is good for you!” I couldn’t agree more!

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Thank you!

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I can totally resonate with your feelings about social media. Socials are so immediate, whereas Substack feels more intentional. I’m fairly new to the platform but finding it a nourishing place to be. There’s a real sense of belonging here too 💫

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Congrats on your first year! I’ve really enjoyed reading. You’ve given me lots of food for thought as a photographer. Loved this current video on Alec, my brain is bubbling away.

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Wonderful! Thanks so much for looking, Honey. I appreciate it.

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Happy almost one to you, Andy! Enjoy the fall, it has some spectacular sights too.

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Thank you, Nadia!

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Morning Andy! That sounds good. I'm familiar with his other books and his work generally. I would like to read this one too it sounds like. As I facilitate groups and work with people individually, I'm always looking to do better at holding space and integrating Western and Eastern and indigenous approaches to be more compassionate and complete. Thanks. Happy September. (hard to believe!)

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Well done on reaching one year Andy. I love that you are searching for what matters and how you can get better at being you! A worthy endeavor for all of us.

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Thanks so much, Donna. It looks like we have some interests in common. Could we zoom sometime?

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Sure Andy, email me at donnamcarthur@substack.com and we will get a plan.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Andy Adams

Your posts are always deeply centering for me.

There's a deep kindness and decency that shines through your work, and what you choose to share with the community.

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You are too kind, hw. Thank you. And thank you for reading. I appreciate it!

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