It occurred to me today that if the digital medium collapses, stored digital data files and images vaporise, the only record of the modern world may be that recorded in books. The photobook is an important tangible record.
I love supporting anybody who supports books. Way to go. My only (tiny) objection is to refer to them as old fashioned. They're still around, they're still current. They are still a huge source of information Google can't control and manipulate. Next century there will be no Google but books will still be around. We all love wine. It's been around since before the ancient Greeks. Is wine old fashioned? Or beer? Or cheese? You get my point. Keep up the good work, Andy, and I love my Ansel Adams and the photo books I have
In the bookshops in my city (Bristol UK) I'm so impressed by the cornucopia of books,even whole books devoted to one small but significant area of history or an obscure but identifiable source of social observation.
A fabulous post, Andy ... and a timely reminder of the need for books to linger over. We are slowly renovating an outbuilding that I envisage as a 'studio', an analogue space where phones and wifi are banned and the shelves groan with beautiful books. There'll be nooks and corners to curl up in to rediscover 'attention'. I shall dig out some of our 'coffee table' books over what looks like it'll be a wet weekend.
Currently reading 'The Creative Act' by Rick Rubin.
I am so obsessed with books and magazines and anything paper related really because I can’t seem to own enough stationary as well. So I obviously loved this article and how reaffirming it is about the way the printed matter makes us feel. I am currently reading Foam Magazine’s Extremes issue and Aperture Magazine’s Desire issue.
Currently I'm into "The Artist's Way" from Julia Cameron; and ... (I read more book concurrently) "The Art of Impossible" from Steven Kotler. I wish I could stop time from my obligations and read them through at least two times in a day :-)
I'm an avid street photographer and have begun experimenting with abstract photography. I only wish I'd started developing the right side of my brain sooner! Yet, better late than never!!
I’m reading Sally Mann’s memoir, Hold Still. Great book!
One of my all time favourites :)
It occurred to me today that if the digital medium collapses, stored digital data files and images vaporise, the only record of the modern world may be that recorded in books. The photobook is an important tangible record.
How will future historians find the intricacies of their subjects lives without those caches and bundles of paper letters.
I love supporting anybody who supports books. Way to go. My only (tiny) objection is to refer to them as old fashioned. They're still around, they're still current. They are still a huge source of information Google can't control and manipulate. Next century there will be no Google but books will still be around. We all love wine. It's been around since before the ancient Greeks. Is wine old fashioned? Or beer? Or cheese? You get my point. Keep up the good work, Andy, and I love my Ansel Adams and the photo books I have
In the bookshops in my city (Bristol UK) I'm so impressed by the cornucopia of books,even whole books devoted to one small but significant area of history or an obscure but identifiable source of social observation.
I am currently reading The Creative Act - A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. Great read so far.
Oooh yes! I loved alternating reading it and listen to him on audio book.
Great recommendations! PS: I love good stories about Instagram and discovering/meeting people thanks to the platform.
PS: reading Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton. I’m sure I’ll re-read it many times.
A fabulous post, Andy ... and a timely reminder of the need for books to linger over. We are slowly renovating an outbuilding that I envisage as a 'studio', an analogue space where phones and wifi are banned and the shelves groan with beautiful books. There'll be nooks and corners to curl up in to rediscover 'attention'. I shall dig out some of our 'coffee table' books over what looks like it'll be a wet weekend.
Currently reading 'The Creative Act' by Rick Rubin.
Have a great weekend
I am so obsessed with books and magazines and anything paper related really because I can’t seem to own enough stationary as well. So I obviously loved this article and how reaffirming it is about the way the printed matter makes us feel. I am currently reading Foam Magazine’s Extremes issue and Aperture Magazine’s Desire issue.
Helmut Newton Polaroids
Been reading "Stay True" by Hua Hsu, based on your recommendation. Really enjoying it!
Such a great book! I read that last fall. Loved it.
I'm enjoying Cig Harvey's Blue Velvet, hoping to see her exhibit Feast soon
Currently I'm into "The Artist's Way" from Julia Cameron; and ... (I read more book concurrently) "The Art of Impossible" from Steven Kotler. I wish I could stop time from my obligations and read them through at least two times in a day :-)
I’m loving Sally Mann A Thousand Crossings. Thank you for this great roundup of photo books.
Great rundown! I'm currently checking out Todd Hido's new photobook as well as Dawoud Bey's latest release ELEGY. Both phenomenal, of course.
Was just watching that Steidl video the other day, myself!
Great minds!
I'm an avid street photographer and have begun experimenting with abstract photography. I only wish I'd started developing the right side of my brain sooner! Yet, better late than never!!
I am reading Richard Power's the Echo Maker and looking at Des oiseaux by Albarran Cabrera