Splendid post! Great story w/ the connection to Robert Frank (I wrote my masters thesis based mainly on his book, more survey of works, Moving Out) and met Meyerowitz when I was teaching photography in Italy back in the 90's-00's. He was gracious enough to stop by with his camera and a quick Q/A w/ my students. As a photographer, currently working on my first book, your posts are not just timely but inspiring in the all the right ways. Bravo and Keep up the good work! Side note: I'm reading Bright Earth, The Invention of Color by Philip Ball. I cannot recommend this book enough for everyone- artists, photographers, historians and the like- just a marvelous treasure of seeing and understanding our human connection to color.

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Mar 6Liked by Andy Adams

Hi Andy, I'm not "a photographer", but I love to take photos, on the street and in nature with my Huawei phone which has an amazing camera integrated. I used to shoot with a Panasonic Lumix camera, but as I get older I have to admit the technical stuff is getting harder to master and I just want results...(said with a measure of embarrassment but in all honesty!) I live in Montreal. I've been subscribed to your newsletter since the fall and am learning a lot from you, starting with your introduction to Saul Leiter, which was such a discovery for me. I also follow a number of others here incl Marcel Borgstijn, Dina Litovsky, Suzanne Helmet, Xavi Buendia etc.etc. The excerpt of Joel Meyerwitz' book is very inspiring. Thanks, yet another discovery for me. You mentioned that you are always interested in learning about new photographers... You may not have heard of the Quebecois Benoit Aquin who did for example, an amazing series on the tragedy of a train derailment in Lac-Megantic in 2013.

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Love Joel's work — and I just picked up the new Garry Winogrand Color book this past weekend at MASS MoCA, so it needs a friend on the bookshelf! (Note to self: need more bookshelves.) I do way more still life shots than street photography, but I can't get enough of both Joel and Garry's work for its sense of place and time.

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Mar 6Liked by Andy Adams

Hi Andy! Always nice to hear from you. As you know, I'm a photographer (photo-based artist? ;)) based in Oakland, CA. I have been hanging with you since the early days and still appreciate your emails and posts :). I'm happy to support your work and this community that you've worked so hard to foster and grow over the years. Love Joel, love color, so this is a welcome read. Right now I'm noticing all of the pops of pink blossoms and yellow acacias that are in bloom here (allergies and all).

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