Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Like the format. Thanks for sharing. Completely disagree with the premise of the video, which is like saying that fiction is worse than non-fiction in writing or that fictional films are worse than documentaries. Or that created art is worse than found art. One might think that Crewdson is shallow, but I contend that his work ranks among the top fiction creators. Brilliant. Great work elicits emotion and feeling and does so technically well. Certainly Crewdson's work does that.

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FWIW...For me, this content would be better suited to SM. It seemed more like a share than a newsletter. In fact, I had seen this video shared by others already, though I am sure many may not have, too. Others may feel differently, but I personally would like to see something longer, and much deeper than both this and the IG post for content in newsletter format. Something not as easily shared in a few bytes on Social.

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Love the format and love both photographers here. Not as familiar w Sternfeld but will be exploring. And I like Crewdson, even thought their staged, they’re an invitation to the viewer to put themselves, someone they know into the image…

Am not a critic and only a casual photography imbiber. I don’t like the either/or dichotomy. Photos pull me in or they don’t really interest me, both of these photographers pull me in

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Cheers, Susan. Thanks for looking!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Thanks Andy.

Long or short. Dropped twitter and deleted my Instagram app from my phone. Trying to find more focus elsewhere. I am enjoying your digests whether detailed or not.

Very much enjoyed the video. Have to agree with his premise on Sternfeld/Crewdson... never saw any true emotion in Crewdson’s work… just artifice.

And yeah… what a head of hair!


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Cheers, Matthew! I'm still on IG and Twitter, but both of those platforms have lost their luster for me. I'm excited about what I'm doing here on Substack and so glad you're along for the ride. Take care!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Long, short, anything goes! Break your own rules. Always happy to hear from you, Andy.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Well done video. Working with vernacular photography, my bias embraces the work of Evans and Sternfeld. This video provides insight to each photographers contributions in an authentic, direct and often humorous approach.

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Yes, Stephen is really onto something here with this video essay format. Cheers, Lin!

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

I always read an element of humor in Sternfeld’s images, comic ineptitude, sort of “what a mess we humans have inadvertently made of our tidy little world”

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Enjoyed the video Halloween Edition. Sternfeld v Crewdson. It’s easy to be seduced by form over content!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

It's definitely one of my favorites as well. It seems every time I look at it, I see something new.

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Of course Sternfeld is the greater artist to whom Crewdson will never catch up, assuming a career in art photography is a sprint, which it is not. This is known. Crewdson's photographs are created to fill large corporate structures; the expensively overdetermined surrealistic production mirrors their ultimate destination in hedge fund foyers, private bank conference rooms, museum walls, etc. That Crewdson propagates, as much as Sternfeld analyzes, neoliberal ideology is what I learned from Stephen Leslie's video. Thanks for posting.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Kind of a hot take from Mr. Leslie- reminds me of the 90's when I used to read the NME and Melody Maker and for some reason enjoyed their clever slagging off of bands. No-one cuts quite like the brits. As I've gotten older I see less reason to spew bile about what I don't like personally. His critique of Crewdson is fair but the work is still unique and exceptional. Overblown? Maybe. Crewdson has made no bones about the debt he owes Sternfeld much like Oasis never denied the fact they loved the Beatles and Bolan. Feel free to do what you want I say- acknowledge your influences and carry on and congrats to those that can become a success with a camera in the 21st century.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Excellent column. Is there one column a month for $5. Per month?

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Hi Marion! Thanks for looking — and for writing. I launched this newsletter in September and have been posting about 3 times a month. I launched a private chat channel for FlakPhoto subscribers, and will be posting photography news and discussion threads there most days, so if you sign on as a paid subscriber, you can expect a variety of posts each month. We're developing some audio features too, and I expect those to launch before the end of the year. I hope that helps!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

I"m not a fan of Crewdson's work, but I don't know that I would have gone as far as Mr. Leslie did in disparaging it. There is a history of crews of photographers working as a team. Is Crewdson more a director than a more traditional photographer - absolutely. Do I find his photos tedious - yes. Many artists are repetitive in their work. Enough about that. Andy - I think there's room for all forms of discourse, both short and long. If it furthers the conversation, go for it.

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Thanks for the feedback. I like these shortform posts and lots of other folks have said as much, so I'll mix it up with long and short stuff from time to time. Thanks for looking and for writing — I appreciate it!

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There's nothing wrong with mixing it up!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

Love it! Thanks for sharing

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Thanks for looking!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Andy Adams

By all means, go long. You've got so much knowledge and so many opinions about photography. Share them with us at length. Maybeoccasionally point to other online content. But only once in a while.

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Cheers, Harry. I think it'll be a mix of longform and shortform stuff. It's great to hear from you and I appreciate the feedback. Thanks for looking!

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