I love Saul Leiter. Anyone who doesn't know him yet needs to watch "In No Great Hurry" to get how amazing he was.

I'm a portrait photographer who hasn't had time for taking portraits since starting to write (and photograph) a bread cookbook at the beginning of this year. I've been trying my best to pretend my loaves are people and give them the same sort of loving gaze I do my portrait subjects.

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Andrew, I just watched In No Great Hurry...it was lovely. Thank you for sharing that. I did not know Leiter’s work until watching the film. I’m smitten! I love how some of his photos come off like collages, others are translucent overlays and his use of form that made many photos so abstract at first glance. Wonder! Thanks again 🙏🏽🙂

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So glad, Cynthia! It's one of those films I put on and watch in bits whenever the mood strikes.

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Funny, cranky, wise, irreverent…Saul was really something! So glad I’ve been turned on to his work.

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Hey Andy - Brandt Vicknair here! I'm a photographer and collage artist from New Orleans, La. One of my main projects right now was in many ways inspired by what you do for the photography community. David Armentor and I started Density Press just a few months ago - it's a quarterly photography zine dedicated to artists living and making work in the Gulf South. Our first issue is coming out in just a few weeks! We're very excited about the print piece as well as the opportunity to support the release with an exhibition in December. We're hoping to have enough success with the initial run to add community programming throughout the year such as artist workshops and other installations. We envision this project as a way for us to take these relationships offline and into the real world - creating opportunities for artists and connecting them to our community as a whole. It's refreshing to step away from social media and self-promotion to work on amplifying the work of other artists!

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Hi Andy. Congratulations on the followers milestone!

I’m a photography student in Missoula, Montana, trying to learn as much as I can about all the photography styles and developing a business plan. I haven’t explored Leiter’s works yet- I’m working my way through the available photo books in the local library.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion for photography with us.

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Hi Andy. I'm Jeff, an American based in southern Spain working as the Director of Multimedia production for a global health and disaster relief NGO called Americares. I also love teaching and have taught the Tokyo Photo Workshop for National Geographic Student Expeditions for a couple of years when I have time. My in-house team and I are working on multiple photo and film projects around our organization's work in disaster relief, mental health, medicine security and climate change. Just finished promoting on the short film festival circuit our org's first award-winning short documentary "Caminantes", stories of Venezuelan migrant "walkers" leaving their homeland and traveling across Colombia and beyond in search of a new life. If I win the book that's great, but the real prize is reading about all the interesting people that subscribe to your newsletter.

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Photographer based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Currently working on a collaborative project with a few colleagues for a show in April of next year, making prints for a solo show in February, and a continuing to shoot for a few ongoing personal projects, one of which I hope to finish and compile into book form in the next few years.

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Hi Andy, Casey here. I’m a photographer based in New Orleans, LA. I’m currently editing a body of work for a portfolio review next month. It’s an ongoing exploration of my relationship to my father and the grief surrounding his passing. Intense, but really cathartic.

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Hello from Cincinnati. I grew up on a farm. Playing in the woods made me a naturalist. Going to church built my worldview. A degree in physics fuels curiosity. I make art.


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Beautiful work, Kent. I'm glad I took a bit of time to look at your work.

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Thank you, Joan!

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Hi Andy! I feel like I almost know you, and the next time I drive across the country I should stop and meet you in person. I'm a huge fan of the work you do, and of course a subscriber (I only subscribe to 4 people on Substack, and you are one of them!). I currently live in Hudson, NY, and have been here about a year and a half, after 15 years in Sag Harbor, NY, 6 in Atlanta, 1 in Princeton NJ, 2.5 in San Juan, PR, 2 in Moscow, Russia, 8 in NYC, 1 in Paris, 6 in Boston, 14 in San Francisco... It's always hard for me to say where I am from.

I have been a professional photographer for 35 years, but started shooting as a child. My dad took me into his darkroom back in the 70's, and it's been a love affair ever since (with a bit of the usual bickering along the way, and the occasional threatening to leave the relationship...lol). I went to college for architecture, but began managing a photographer's studio, then assisting, then working in a professional lab while still in college. I loved it so much I almost forgot to graduate. But once I got started in photography, that was it. After a couple years in fashion, someone asked me to shoot a wedding (for a fashion biz person) and my life changed forever. Next year I will shoot my youngest sister's wedding, and I'm feeling that might be my last ever, after 33 years. I have evolved through so many phases.....fashion, weddings, family portraits, fine art, more weddings and portraits, a year with Malala, brand photography for spiritual teachers and creatives, and now I just want to play and make art for myself. (Gary Fong once said "The secret to success in photography is real estate, real estate, real estate." and I tend to concur) I have a vast collection of photography books, including all of Saul Leiter's books prior to this one. He's one of my favs. Keep on doing what you're doing!

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I'm Liz Sample. I've been a photographer for fifty years, since I was twelve. I started out with a little box camera, then a Polaroid, then a twin-lens reflex. Oh, digital too. I live in upstate NY. It's beautiful.


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I'm in Hudson! Where are you upstate?

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Hi there, I am (a photographer) in the village of Catskill!

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Hello Alon!

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Hi Liz and Tanya! Shall we meet for coffee in Hudson and talk photography/art? I am @alonkoppel on Instagram. Please DM me. Cheers.

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No thank you, I don't feel comfortable meeting with anyone I meet online.


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I think I found you on IG :)

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I’m in Madison, WI. Enjoy taking photos of fursuits and cosplay. Love to help someone use photography to inhabit their constructed identity. More so lately focusing on making the shoot a fun experience and less about the finished product.

Excited to learn about this new photographer!

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(waves from Monona)

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Hello Andy,

I am a collage artist living and working in Brooklyn NY.

I very much enjoy great photography not only as a source material, but as an inspiration into ways of seeing.

You can find examples of my work:



Thank you for sharing your insights and information

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Nice work Justin 🔥

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Thank you very much!

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Hi Andy! Thanks for creating this space, and for this offering. I'm a Communications consultant, and dabble in photography and painting, mostly for fun. I live in Portland, OR, but wok with clients all over the world. I do some visual storytelling for certain clients, but much of my work is done through the written word. That being said, I see the world through the eyes of an artist. I'd say that seeing, bearing witness to what is really there, has been a life-long practice I continue to develop. My photography practice is an extension of my commitment to my meditation practice, and willingness to be right here, right now. I appreciate you sharing in the ways that you do, and always look forward to the newsletter!

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Hallo Andy!!

Mexican-american photographer. Currently working on a project about mexican identity, religion and their fetish for death. You can see some of my work on insta


Sending you hugs from sunny oaxaca


P.s. Im also from wisconsin 👋

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Hi! I am a photographer based in Los Angeles, California. I am a single mother of four children and so spent a the majority of my career doing commercial work to pay the bills. However, I also have done some masters work at AAU in photography, won some awards for my fine art work and have had a few exhibits. One of my favorite artists was Saul Leiter and so to win this book would mean the world to me. My youngest just graduated from school so I am now refocusing my attention on the fine art portion of my career. My work is about exploring relationships between people, between people and nature, boundaries real or imagined, the perceived safety of shelter. The name of one of my projects is Night Seen. Exploring how relationships change under the blanket of nighttime.

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Hi Andy! Alex here. I’m based in Kamakura, Japan (though I have a U.S. address and love me some Leiter, have no fear!) and am a photographer by passion if not by trade. My day job is writing narratives for video games and as much as I see my urge to photograph and my urge to write as separate beasts, there’s a lot of cross-pollination going on. One day I’ll sit down and make a proper photo book, but until then I’ll continue writing overly long captions for my photos on Instagram. http://instagram.com/aokajiya

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Hi Andy, congratulations on the milestone! It's great to see more people finding out about, and engaging with, your work. Your good heart, curious mind, kind soul, and unwavering commitment to community building always comes through. That kind-hearted curiosity got me to respond the very first time I saw a post of yours on social media, a similar call to image makers asking us to tell you about ourselves, so many years ago. I'm still making pictures, based out of Toronto, Canada, and as in love with the process as ever. For me it's always just been about documenting things. For who, or for what purpose becomes either murkier or more complex, but I think it feeds a deeply human desire for connection and to share experiences. Saul Leiter's images feel introspective to me, but a collective introspection. I think this is something a lot of great artists share - the ability to show us our commonalities, our humanity...

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